Page Updated: 04/24/2017  13:09
Dutch Harbor Guest Book

Dutch Harbor Guest Book

Extracted 4/22/2017, 19:04 PM


Name Country EMail Date Stamp Comments
1 Jerry Crosby United States katcrosby@aol.com
7/25/2005  1:42:57 AM
My boat was based in Dutch Harbor and used by the Army as a personnel carrier. It carried the number Q47 and is named Mardo. According to the records I've found, it went to Dutch Harbor in September, 1941. I found a helmet liner on the boat with an almost legible name and number in it (Dennis M. E??????, 256837??6) I'd love to make contact with anyone who served on Army water craft operating out of Dutch Harbor.
2 Haley Korrin Johnson United States haley2585@yahoo.com 2/7/2006  2:41:49 PM
Great information, very informative, I think I am going to go to Alaska.
3 Tom Campbell United States tomcamsr@netscape.net 3/9/2006  8:49:13 PM Great too see a site for the boy's from WWII and the frozen north! I'm the son of one of them.<br>My dad,Louis Campbell served in PATSU-42 or VPB-42. From what he can recall, he made visits to Adak, Amchitka,Dutch Harbor. He remembers the B-24's,P-38's,p-40's and he thought something called a PB-1 venturi?<br>He just turned 81 in Feb. and some of us are going to get him to tell more if possible. if any one remembers him contact me, he has no internet
4 David Young United States youngemsa@hotmail.com 3/12/2006  1:14:16 PM My dad, Hazen Young, was on Dutch Harbor in WWII. He was with the 206th from Arkansas. Am looking for reunion info. thanks
5 Toni Stammers United States   3/23/2006  3:02:53 AM Looking for any one who would know my Father. He was in the Islands ...probably about 1945. I`m not sure because he didn`t talk much about his military days. He passed away in 1981 he was 53. I`m anxious to learn about his life. Please let me know if anyone remembers him His name was.. Raymond Kenneth Stammers please e-mail me at.. duhzookeeper@aol.com
6 J. Barnett United States ladycougar40965@yahoo.com
3/29/2006  1:58:32 PM Hi I am doing a research on my father-in-law for my kids. His name was Otis O Barnett and he fit in World War 2. If anyone has any info on him or knows him please e-mail me or my husband Otis Barnett Jr. and also this is a great web site.
7 John Jelacic United States jelacic_j@comcast.net 10:13:2006  12:57:56 My father, Emil Jelacic, served in the Alaskan campaign during WWII with the 201st battalion. He helped build the steel mesh landing strips used in the air campaign. He spent time on Kodiak, Adak & Amchitka. I'd be interested in hearing from anyone out there who served or who have relatives who served in those campaigns.
8 Kenneth Claypool United States kcdc@webtv.net 11/14/2006  8:18:12 PM I was a member of Navy Squadron VPB-61, stationed at Dutch Harbor the winter of 1944. Our PBY's were used for search and rescue.
9 Stephen Cheatwood Taiwan   12/21/2006 My father Jack Cheatwood was also with the 206th Coast Artillary from Arkansas.
10 Raymond F. Smerz United States raysmerz@ticon.net 2/21/2007  6:20:50 PM Gentleman, It was my pleasure to view your site. The site is far more than I expected and your information is great. Thank you, all of you who have done such a fine job with site.
11 Steve United States vansomeren@sbcglobal.net 8/7/2007  3:58:09 PM My father Gilbert "Tiny" VanSomeren was stationed at Dutch Harbor about 1941 to 1944. I have many pictures of others there if anyone is interested let me know and I can forward copies.
12 William Fuson United States were4you1@cox.net 12/6/2007  2:56:15 PM my Dad Bill Fuson is looking for any one who served in the 1 battilion 37th infantry 1941-1943. He is 86 yrs and feels sure there may be some of his military brothers still out there and would like to get in touch. Call 1858-278-6088 if you are oe of the members of this unit or know of one of these men. Thank you
13 Brenda Honig United States bhonig@wcasd.net 2/28/2010  9:26:53 AM I came across this site after reading Karen Hesse's book Aleutian Sparrow which made me want to learn more about this place and at this time. I thank the soldiers who served our country there - read poetry at this site from a soldier and will share it with my sixth grade class. I care about the Aleuts who were interned and Etta Jones too - a lot
14 Sharon Hare VanWieringen United States sharonvw21@yahoo.com 6/9/2012  1:32:55 AM My Mom was born in Dutch 1936, to Alice and Anfin Rod. Anfin was a Noewegian fisherman and Gramma an aleut native. When the Japanese attacked, Grandpa left his Herring buisness and took the family to Kent Wa.I've often heard of "Billy Hope" and his involvement shooting down the Japanese Plane. I still have family in Dutch and Sooo
Photo by Russ Marvin